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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Down on the Farm

We had a great vacation last week (Aug 14-Aug 19). We went to the Sierra Foothills (Garden Valley, California, 47 miles from Lake Tahoe, CA), where our friends, Barbara & Rusty, have property. I went there every summer for much of my youth. When I didn't spend it on their farm, I went to their Bay Area home.

I wanted the boys to experience what I did as a kid. I wanted them to be able to see something other than a major US city (they've been to Vegas, San Francisco, and Seattle, Palm Springs). It's fun for me, being in cities, but I knew they'd enjoy something else. I also was sentimental to re-live my childhood, in a sense. I mean, I have actually spent time with the B&R in recent years. I see them all the time, but I think the last time I was on the farm was 2002.

Matthew brought Cornhol(io :), a game that people like to play in the city (SF in Chrissy Field)

The boys got to roast marshmallows; "sleep" in a tent; see the sheep; paddle the boat on the pond; and, spend some time with my oldest friends. Barbara was my babysitter from the time I was two years old, and I grew up with her, Rusty and their three boys. One of them lived with my mom when I was a teenager. I love B&R as if they were my mother and father. I adore them and their boys, and their boys' families. Again, the luckiest lady on the planet I am, to have such great people in my life!!

Elaine drove to the farm with us, and Dennis flew down to meet us for a few days.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Evening Art Project - Piggy Banks

I promised the boys a "toy" today. They had a good night last night (we spent the night at my mom's), so I told them I'd get them something...Finn was cute in that he said I could surprise him. Usually, he and Ashe want to go with me. They want to look at every single action figure; fondle each one; and, make me crazy waiting for them to pick SOMETHING. Today, Finn allowed me to surprise him: "Just don't get me any Star Wars Action Figures." Funny that he would specifically exclude those, but good enough.

I got them some cute little piggy (Ashe's was actually a cow - but Finn's was indeed a pig) banks. They were ceramic, came with paint & paintbrushes, and the boys painted them. The boys were VERY excited and started them immediately after receiving them. Yay! It's hard to find something, not associated with television or video games or some weird character (Bakugan - Pokemon - Ben 10), that these two monkeys like.

Saturday, August 01, 2009


Finn looks so freaking cute with these teeth missing!! He had a loose tooth since before school ended. He really wanted it out, but was nervous about messing with it too much. Finally, last Saturday night, we were at Sean's (Caver was out of town - in Lake Tahoe at a Yoga and Meditation Festival - Wanderlust - which is hilarious to me in itself, but, I digress!!). The boys were running through the sprinkler. Finn and Tucker had a collision and loosened BOTH of Finn's front teeth to the point where they were hanging. Luckily - they were baby teeth!!!

Tuesday the first tooth came out, and he most likely swallowed it...it came out in Finn's sleep - so he drew a picture of it for the Tooth Fairy. The second came out on Wednesday. He had that one in his hot little hand when he walked into my room and woke me that morning...sweet little thing. Isn't he so cute!!??

Ashe finished up summer league b-ball last Wednesday as well. His team won the game, 30-15. Ashe scored eight points!! He had a sweet hook shot that made it (see pic on the right - ashe is in blue to the left of the basket with his hand in the air as if he just shot a fresh hook shot ;) !). Wasn't the best shot selection, but he didn't have many options. Thankfully, it went in. I'm so happy he had fun in this league.

There are a couple of more pictures of the boys below from the day of the game, and the tooth losing...

Ashe shows off his beautiful choppers.

Finn before the second tooth loss - snaggle tooth.