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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Most Snow in My PDX Life

*UPDATE*, 9:15 p.m. 12/21/2008 - the local news channel, kgw, just reported that this is the snowiest december since 1968, when the airport had over 15" snow. so far, this month, we've had over 11" at the airport. i was telling my kids this was the snowiest time i remember here in my life (i've been here since 1975), and i guess i was correct.

also - i thought my 4-wheel drive passat would be too low to the ground and have the potential of getting high centered. it's very deep on some of these side streets. my friend, andy, who's out in this right now at this moment just tm'd and confirmed that indeed my passat would be too short.

these might be entertaining to you - 18 hours difference in the amount of snow (the first was from the afternoon of dec 21 and the second is from early morning on dec 22):

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