Gorgeous scenery and beautiful boys!

For most of last week, we were in Kah-Nee-Ta. It was a very relaxing time. Our original plan was to stay 3-4 nights, but we stayed for five: Wednesday - Monday (today). The Ealys came along as well. Caver was in Grants Pass for a few days prior, so she met us there. Sean rode with us...Caver ended up staying the fifth night with Cade & Tucker, but Sean drove my car home. He's such a workaholic!!

Kahneeta pretty much has swimming and a bar or two. There's "gambling" of course, but it's such a teeny tiny casino. It looks like no fun. I just went inside the casino for the snack bar and the tasty, tasty hot chocolate. I got addicted to it!! Got Finn addicted to it as well. The food choices are bad; and, the night life is a crack up. Thirty to fifty-something's living it up like they were in Vegas. They were a bit obnoxious (pathetic??).
The restaurant

We spent a couple of hours at the "big pool", the Village Pool. The one by the teepees, that can be used for day use. The one at the lodge was only for guests. It didn't really matter, though. Both were very crowded. A fun relaxing time.

The slide at the Village pool.

Dennis, top of stairs - checking to see if Finn made it down

Finn - coming off end of slide
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