My son found these last month at a toy/novelty store in Spokane, Boo Radley's (a wonderful store - like a better Spencer's Gifts). It is literally a necessary destination for us on our annual trip to Spokane. The directions said they would hatch, and we'd have these great, prehistoric creatures called Triops. I thought of Sea Monkeys. I wasn't sure what to think, but Finn had to get them.
Dennis was completely skeptical and I pretty much was as well, but believed, because Finn believed.
Well, damn, if the stupid things didn't hatch. Now I have the grossest things on my hands. I have to clean the tank, and look at these things. We left for five nights to Kahneeta and didn't have anyone come feed them. The frickin' triops lived!!
Anyway, here's a link to a disgusting pic of one "in the wild"....Thank goodness our's are nothing even close to these...but there's no question they're the same species....Below are pics of Finn's triops, and my nemises.
Would anybody like them??
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Kah-Nee-Ta 2009
The restaurant
We spent a couple of hours at the "big pool", the Village Pool. The one by the teepees, that can be used for day use. The one at the lodge was only for guests. It didn't really matter, though. Both were very crowded. A fun relaxing time.
The slide at the Village pool.
Dennis, top of stairs - checking to see if Finn made it down
Finn - coming off end of slide
Monday, July 13, 2009
Finn's First Phone Call
I don't know why I felt this was a milestone of sorts. It also struck me as sort of humorous. Finn's friend, Matthew, called tonight and wanted to
talk to him. It was the cutest conversation ever. He's spoken with family on the phone but never to a school friend. It was cute to watch him talking on the phone and lying there like an adult would. At one point, he said "what should we talk about?" He didn't get it at first but they ended up talking for about ten minutes. Just like little old men.

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Pictures From a Summer Walk
I took these the other night walking to Ashe's basketball game. I thought they were cute and wanted to share.
Update: So happy for Ashe.
This is an update on the previous blog: the stats are available. He had 14 points, 8 rebounds, and 5 steals. The final score was actually 24-18 (corrected from below). Wow. I'm proud of him, but I'm so happy FOR him. He felt good about himself. He felt confident. He finally knew he could do it in a game. Even though he can do it playing three-on-three with his dad and dad's friends - it was great that Ashe had confidence enough to step up and stay in the game. Good for you, Ashe.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
14 Point Shoot Out
Ashe had another game in his summer league tonight. Ashe's team won 22-16. Ashe scored 14 of his team's 22 points!!!! He had several steals and several rebounds. I don't know the exact stats yet. I couldn't believe it. I mean, I believe he's a good player, but this was a "career game", as Caver said. I'm so proud of him. These are from tonight's game.

very corner of pic, far, far left
very corner of pic, far, far left
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Explosions in the Sky
This was right before the craziness ensued.
Our fourth of July was quite entertaining. Our plan was to do what we did last year - stay at the Residence Inn at Jantzen Beach to get a view of the big fireworks across the river. When the Fort Vancouver fireworks were canceled, we chose to stay home and do fireworks.It was fun & interesting. The police even showed up. All of our's were legal, but our house (somehow!?!?!) became the place for our block to light off ALL fireworks - legal AND illegal.
The police showed up (near night's end - around 11:00 pm) in two unmarked vehicles (SUV and car) and were really nice. We all enjoyed the show, whether or not we were the ones actually lighting the wicks, so all agreed we'd pitch in for any fines (there were none). It put a bit of a damper on the evening, but was fun nonetheless...
Looking at these photos, it's no wonder we had police presence!! Also below are a few pictures of the groups of neighbors & their respective friends to give you an idea of the pah-tay.
Ever since Finn was really little, this was his favorite holiday. He just loves it. He confirmed last night that it still is.
This was our ALL LEGAL stuff...
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