The funny thing is that he earned them as a prize at my nephews' (Cade and Tuck) birthday party. He told me at the party: "All the other kids keep asking me why I want these." He held them throughout most of the party. He asked me several times during the party if we could go purchase a plant in which to put the globes. Dennis left the party and immediately went to the store and purchased him a plant.
We carefully read the directions, filled one globe and put it in the plant. When done, Finn had to sit near it. He looked at it throughout the day and evening. He was concerned that he will wake up tomorrow and all of the water will have left the globe and be in the plant. I told him it should take at least more than a day.
His last moment of Aqua Globe obsession was when he took his second globe to bed with him. Now, not only did he take it to bed and have to have it on the nightstand next to him, when I got up after getting him all tucked in, he had to watch me to make sure I didn't knock the Aqua Globe off the table.
I thought I'd close with this reminder from Finn exemplifying his obsession with both the globes and the commercial: "If we call, mom, we can get more Aqua Globes." Yes, the commercial has completely indoctrinated this kid. He's obsessed with Aqua Globes.
Hi, Jan -
I got a tip on the 'globes. Make a hole with a similar-diameter object (screwdriver, pen, etc.) before putting it in the pot, then put in your Aqua Globe so it doesn't get jammed with dirt.
thank you caver. interestingly, that is in the aqua globe instruction "manual". but, thanks for the tip!!
Wow.I've never heard of these! We haven't gotten a TV yet, if we ever will-- the whole getting a dish process is daunting---so I've missed out on YET another thing! The war, the election and aqua globes! WHO KNEW?
Treva - You haven't "missed" out on anything. Yes. The election was amazingly poignant, not to mention historical. You guys, though, have had the opportunity to get in touch with each other and family. That's way more valuable.
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