Ashe had a field trip to Bonneville Dam and Fish Hatchery yesterday, Monday. I went along for the day-long adventure. I visited there several times as a school-aged Portlander, but hadn't been there in years. In addition to touring the Dam's Powerhouse 1 and Visitor Center for a Park Ranger's lecture, we visited the Fish Hatchery and Tanner Creek (to witness the end of a salmon's life cycle).
One cool thing was we got to ride a school bus. I know. That sounds pretty routine, but Ashe only remembered one other field trip where he'd taken a school bus. All field trips I've attended with Ashe have been on public transportation (MAX lightrail)...very much different than when I was in school. It's good and bad - I'm a worry wart. I hate that the kids have to walk through and all over downtown from the MAX station to where they are going. On the school bus, they let you out at the door...
Ashe had fun and all the kids were great. Ashe loved the rainbow trout. There were ponds with trout and some amazingly large sturgeon as well. All the kids were fascinated by those, much more so than the Powerhouse and Dam itself.
A few pictures of fourth graders in action:
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