Ashe went back to school today. He's in fourth grade. So funny to think that he's halfway to being an adult - in age, anyway. Hopefully this will be a good school year for him. Third grade was probably his hardest year so far, socially. He lost his aide, Peggy, partway through the school year, so that could have contributed to his frustration. The summer has been up and down for Ashe, so we'll see.
For the last couple of days, I've been asking him about his feelings on starting another school year. He doesn't have much to say. Yesterday I asked him if he was sad summer was over and he said "no - there's gonna be more summers." This morning, taking him to school he said to me: "Mom, I'm 100% nervous." I told him that was normal. That was sort of good to hear. In the past, he's been sort of aloof about starting school. Nervousness means he's at least given it enough thought to come up with a feeling.

There were several kids Ashe has not been in class with the last couple of years. That is good. Some of you may remember us talking of Phoebe, Ashe's first friend in elementary school. She's in his class again, and that made him smile. He's also in class with Molly H. We like her parents a lot and she's such a nice girl. He sits next to a boy named Derek, who is v

ery well-behaved and sweet. You could just see the look on his face, and him shaking his head, when he saw Ashe sit next to him.
Ashe's teacher is Ms. Wilson. She seemed nice. I met her for the first time today. Good luck Ashe P! Just do your best. That's all I ask.
Finn only had a meet and greet with his teacher today. Will post more about his starting kindergarten, when he has his first full day this Friday. I'll wipe away my tears as I type...
Finn, checking out his classroom at the meet & greet. He was more nervous than I expected, but when he saw his preschool friend (in the white), he said: "Mom I'm not shy anymore, because I saw a friend."
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