My previous statement stands: I have been horrible about updating the blog of here I am playing catch up, again.
Cade & Tucker turned eight and six, respectively, in November. Cade - Nov 21 and Tuck - Nov 26. Caver had a hilarious location for the party: Sayler's Country Kitchen, in SE Portland. I have nothing against Sayler's at all!! It's just a more "traditional" location. The clientele, even when I was a kid (1975-1985, when I frequented there with my parents), is on the mature side. Caver always loved it. She loved salads and steaks (prime rib) as a kid, so she chose it. She told Cade and Tucker of her childhood love for the place...and her childhood birthday parties there...on a recent visit with them. They decided to have their birthday party the banquet room. :)
Great fun was had by all. It was banquet-like, :) complete with bowls of salad dressing on the tables to spoon over your salad...everyone could also choose an ice cream flavor. There were no 72-ounce steaks attempted in this crew...we aren't that daring. In case you don't know, if you eat the 72 ouncer, and the side dishes that come with it, it is free, and you live in infamy on the walls of Sayler's.