Sorta fun to have some sun this weekend. People that know me know I live in Portland for a reason: I don't like the sun...
necessarily. I enjoy it on weekends like this one and the one at the beginning of April. I like it when it's unseasonably warm; it comes unexpectedly; it's only a few days in a row; and/or, it's the very beginning of summer. Any other time, I am waiting for the rain to come back. I am an indoors person, and I also enjoy wearing warm clothes - jeans and boots.
This weekend was quite busy actually. The best day in the sun was yesterday, Saturday. I ran all over the place, including some visiting with my parents. Finn, Tucker, and I stayed the night at my parents' house. My dad's recently home after his accident, so the boys have wanted to stay there. Finn likes it when I stay too.

Before going to Elaine and Ole's, I drove Caver and Cade downtown to stay at The Benson Hotel. They had a date that night at the Taylor Swift concert (so cute!!), so Caver got them a hotel for the show. When we drove them down, Finn and Tucker came along. We went for a slice of pizza at Pizzicato downtown and then walked to the Waterfront. I just wanted to get in a little time in the sun. They were ecstatic to look at the half-assembled Rose Festival Carnival rides. I didn't mind them even trying to climb on them, but thought the Funtastic people would frown upon it. I could see it as a serious liability and was surprised that they didn't have more obstacles in place to deter little six year old boys! :)
Oh yeah, Finn said several funny things over the weekend. One of the funniest (and most clever) was when he said: "When I try to rhyme things with Tuck Tuck [his cousin's name], I sometimes almost say a bad word." Yep. He's right.
It was a beautiful weekend in Portland. So many people were out. Just nice.