We had a mellow, mellow Christmas. Everyone was out of town, so Christmas morning Granny (Elaine) came to our house, to watch the boys open stuff. We had Christmas dinner at Granny & Grandpa's...it was so nice that Grandpa came up for dinner.
I got a Flip video camera for Christmas. I've been wanting one, because I feel like the boys' life is passing me right by. I thought the Flip would be a wonderful way to capture little snatches of it.
I asked Ashe, Granny, and Finn what their favorite gifts were. Here they are (as filmed with my new camera):
1. Ashe's favorite thing:
2. Finn's favorite thing:
3. Granny's favorite thing:
Monday, December 28, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Ashe and his Blog: A Boy's Life
So, I can't tell you how cute I think it is that Ashe wanted to start a blog. I feel like it can't do anything but help his writing skills and give him an outlet for his thoughts, likes/dislikes, ideas...I don't know if this online world is necessarily the best for kids (or anyone, for that matter), but if I monitor it, I think it'll be a good thing.
I know. It's just a little blog...but it's his. He can do what he would like with it. I told him I wouldn't touch it or tell him to change it (as long as it's appropriate)...even capitalization and spelling are up to him. :) Please take a look. Leave a comment. Tell him what you think. It's so sweet and I hope it's good for him.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Friday, December 04, 2009
The Cutest Blue Metallic (!) Shoes Ever.

Yes. I said blue metallic shoes. I got blue metallic heels. It seems very weird...o.k., they are a bit funky, but I am a bit funky. They are beautiful. Love them.
If you want a better look at the color, click here, but if you are interested in actually buying them - in a more reasonable :) color (it doesn't bother me if you think my color is ugly!! :), they have them on sale at zappos, click here.

Saturday, November 28, 2009
Forty. Yes, I'm really 40.
I had a fabulous party. Dennis organized it all. He set up a dinner in the Wine Room at Jake's
I only celebrated with a few friends and family. I didn't want a big celebration. I get too overwhelmed. (I can visit with each of my friends in time - it's nicer for me one-on-one.) My family was there: the boys and Dennis, my mom, dad (with me in the fifth picture from the bottom - it was really special he was able to come), and Caver's family. Lisa's family (third from last pic) was there. Sandy (bottom pic, with my mom) and Yvette (second to last picture with Lisa) also came. That was it.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Catching Up! First up: Finn's 7th Birthday.
Whew. I have been a bad blogger lately. I typically enjoy it, but haven't felt like blogging lately. I figured, why force it? It's not something I HAVE to do. I definitely like the idea that it's a diary of sorts...especially like that my kids may have something to look back at. Instant memories (even when you don't remember!!). ; )

Finn turned seven years old on September 25th (yes,
two months ago!!). He's Mr. Social Butterfly, and wanted to invite all his buddies to his party. We invited about 14 six-seven year old boys to our house, for a traditional birthday party with games, snacks and cake. Dennis thought I was crazy. I knew that's what Finn wanted - nothing fancy, no going to lazer tag or jumpy houses, or pizza...he just wanted a regular 'ol party. About 12 friends/cousins came to the party.
We had a pinata and played a version of musical chairs, pin the tail on the donkey, and telephone.
The boys were great (crazy, but great!!) and had such a fun time. Happy birthday, baby. I can't believe my littlest boy is seven. It's wonderful - because I love the little person he's become, but it makes me sad - because I miss the little boy he was. It really does get better every day, though!! Love you, Finn.
We had a pinata and played a version of musical chairs, pin the tail on the donkey, and telephone.
friends (kids),
holidays/special occasions,
Monday, September 21, 2009
Scooter Town 2009
Finn had Scooter Town at school today for PE. Every year, his PE teacher does this. I'd never been invited, though. Ashe did it, now Finn's doing it for the second year. She's great. It's really
cool how she sets it up for the kids. She even has a working stoplight that points two directions. She has a train crossing, where they have to wait, if the train is crossing. Here are photos of some of the fun!!
Ms. F. controlling train.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Finn's First Futbol Game 2009

Finn had his first real soccer game last Saturday (the 12th). He had the best time! He played soccer last year. No games in kindergarten soccer (last school year), so this was his first soccer game ever. Finn is not really into sports, and sometimes fights going, but after his second practice, stated he loves it. After this game, he was sold!! He says it's his favorite sport. I believe it.
He scored a goal too!! Yay for Finn.
(click on photos to make bigger)
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
I Don't Wanna Be Learned
Finn is a 1st Grader. Ashe is a 5th Grader. Growing up WAY (!) too fast. I could gush about the wonderful teachers they got. It's so funny how you get caught up in that. I have never been one of those parents to freak out about that, simply because the kids' school has great teachers in general. This year, though, I wanted Finn to get a certain teacher, because of her art focus. Finn loves art. I don't know where it came from, but he does. I want to foster that love. He got the teacher I wanted him to get.

Here's to a great 2009-2010 school year.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Down on the Farm
We had a great vacation last week (Aug 14-Aug 19). We went to the Sierra Foothills (Garden Valley, California, 47 miles from Lake Tahoe, CA), where our friends, Barbara & Rusty, have property. I went there every summer for much of my youth. When I didn't spend it on their farm, I went to their Bay Area home.
I wanted the boys to experience what I did as a kid. I wanted them to be able to see something other than a major US city (they've been to Vegas, San Francisco, and Seattle, Palm Springs). It's fun for me, being in cities, but I knew they'd enjoy something else. I also was sentimental to re-live my childhood, in a sense. I mean, I have actually spent time with the B&R in recent years. I see them all the time, but I think the last time I was on the farm was 2002.
Elaine drove to the farm with us, and Dennis flew down to meet us for a few days.

I wanted the boys to experience what I did as a kid. I wanted them to be able to see something other than a major US city (they've been to Vegas, San Francisco, and Seattle, Palm Springs). It's fun for me, being in cities, but I knew they'd enjoy something else. I also was sentimental to re-live my childhood, in a sense. I mean, I have actually spent time with the B&R in recent years. I see them all the time, but I think the last time I was on the farm was 2002.
Matthew brought Cornhol(io :), a game that people like to play in the city (SF in Chrissy Field)
The boys got to roast marshmallows; "sleep" in a tent; see the sheep; paddle the boat on the pond; and, spend some time with my oldest friends. Barbara was my babysitter from the time I was two years old, and I grew up with her, Rusty and their three boys. One of them lived with my mom when I was a teenager. I love B&R as if they were my mother and father. I adore them and their boys, and their boys' families. Again, the luckiest lady on the planet I am, to have such great people in my life!!Elaine drove to the farm with us, and Dennis flew down to meet us for a few days.
holidays/special occasions,
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Evening Art Project - Piggy Banks
I promised the boys a "toy" today. They had a good night last night (we spent the night at my mom's), so I told them I'd get them something...Finn was cute in that he said I could surprise him. Usually, he and Ashe want to go with me. They want to look at every single action figure; fondle each one; and, make me crazy waiting for them to pick SOMETHING. Today, Finn allowed me to surprise him: "Just don't get me any Star Wars Action Figures." Funny that he would specifically exclude those, but good enough.
I got them some cute little piggy (Ashe's was actually a cow - but Finn's was indeed a pig) banks. They were ceramic, came with paint & paintbrushes, and the boys painted them. The boys were VERY excited and started them immediately after receiving them. Yay! It's hard to find something, not associated with television or video games or some weird character (Bakugan - Pokemon - Ben 10), that these two monkeys like.

I got them some cute little piggy (Ashe's was actually a cow - but Finn's was indeed a pig) banks. They were ceramic, came with paint & paintbrushes, and the boys painted them. The boys were VERY excited and started them immediately after receiving them. Yay! It's hard to find something, not associated with television or video games or some weird character (Bakugan - Pokemon - Ben 10), that these two monkeys like.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Tuesday the first tooth came out, and he most likely swallowed it...it came out in Finn's sleep - so he drew a picture of it for the Tooth Fairy. The second came out on Wednesday. He had that one in his hot little hand when he walked into my room and woke me that morning...sweet little thing. Isn't he so cute!!??
Ashe finished up summer league b-ball last Wednesday as well. His team won the game, 30-15.
There are a couple of more pictures of the boys below from the day of the game, and the tooth losing...
holidays/special occasions,
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